I want to “slow motion time” on every object in the scene including physics and scripts, but also want my player character (rigidbody) continues normal movement.
I’ve used things like sending pause messages:
Player script:
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)){
var objects : Object[] = FindObjectsOfType(GameObject);
for (var pause : GameObject in objects) {
pause.SendMessage ("ScriptPaused", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Another object script:
private var paused : boolean;
function ScriptPaused(){
paused = true;
function Update (){
if (!paused) {
// script
Also setting objects kinematic to true and pausing mecanim animations. It works fine in pause, but I want to know if it’s possible use Time.timeScale to slow motion specific objects or create my own deltaTimes and how’s Fixed and LateUpdate affected.