Slowdown when getting Android builds on versions above 2022.3.47f

While it takes 1 minute to get a build for Android in version 2022.3.47f, this time increases to 12 minutes for versions above 2022.3.50f and sometimes it crashes. This problem is not seen in versions 2022.3.47f and below. I request Unity engineers to look into this issue.

Did you already delete the library folder to clear the cache?
First build will be slow, next ones should speed up

It builds slowly in general, not just on the first compilation. The same project builds in 1-2 minutes on average with 37f and 47f, but it takes around 10-12 minutes on 50f and 53f. There seems to be a bug somewhere, but I couldn’t find it. :slight_smile:

I got that, that’s why I suggested to clear the Library folder

Thanks for your suggestion, but unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. I think I’ll stick with the older versions for a while. It looks like I’ll switch to Unity 6 when it moves to the LTS version. :slight_smile:

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Unity 6 is the LTS (;

ohh I thought it was still preview :slight_smile:

Nope, out already!
6.1 is currently in alpha, 6 is fully out

I should do a project with it as soon as I finish the project I have.

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