Sluggish Proformance in Window 7

I don’t when I Windows 7 in Boot Camp on my Mac that that painting terrain was a bit sluggish. I then tried on in MacOS and it was pretty fast. I then took my laptop out and used the demo version (just to be able to test speed in a native Windows 7 machine) and it was still sluggish. Anyone else noticing this happening?

Could this be a Windows 7 things? I need to dig out my XP disc and try that on my laptop.

Also note that the painting texture seems to be the only thing I notice right now that seem sluggish.

Have to admit, that same happens on my Windows7 machine, terrain tool, no matter which modifier you use is pretty damn slow when used at 100 opacity and 100 brush size. It makes evertyhing so laggy, that first thing I think of if, oh no, it’s gonna crash my unity :open_mouth:

It could be the 100 brush size. :slight_smile:

You guys actually use that big of a brush?