Our second iPhone game have just been unleached on the appstore. (after a short delay…)
Enter Smack Boxing, the first ever boxing game for the iPhone!
One of our goals with out iphone games is to take full advantage of the iphones various means of input and we’ve hoped we’ve come to a good solution this time too! The game is controlled both with multitap, swipes and tilts.
When we announced ElectroCUTE, we highlighted that one of the major problems with a touch screen is that a lot of games are designed in a way that makes you keep your fingers on top of the action and we’ve solved it this time too; Moving around is done by tilting and performing the various boxing moves is done by tapping or swiping either the left or right side of the screen. Performing the tap/swipe on the left side will make you do a left punch and the right you will, well, obviously punch with your right hand.
There’s several different moves you can perform, sidestepping is done by tilting the device, a tap on the left or right side of the screen performs a jab. Swiping up/down makes you throw an uppercut and swiping left/right a swing. You can also block your opponents punches by holding down your fingers at both the left and right side at the same time.
The best layed plans…
The game originally contained several world leaders as the opponents, we thought this was all in good satirical fun but it netted us a rejection letter. There’s really no hard feelings at all, we see apples point and it wasn’t too much effort to rework the art to a point where it was acceptable for everyone. It’s still the same fun game after all!
Jungle Jay
Sumo Stan
Ciryl Cigar
Developed by:
Gameplay video!
Enjoy! Oh, and buy the game, write us a good review, tell all your friends, and help spread the news through your blogs or whatever means you can find!
Can you tell us more about Apple’s reason for reject? Would any application with a world leader be rejected our was it just the how you were using them?
More or less, anything containing George will get rejected, shrug.
We asked apple what exactly it was they were objecting to, and it wasn’t our text descriptions (that were a bit “nasty” I suppose, but could have easily been removed or changed) it was the actual likeness of our art to the real people.
Apples reason was it “contains content that ridicules public figures”, something we felt to be pretty mild and very much in a satirical manner. (there was really no “ridiculing” going on… you just boxed with them, and they usually won ).
But in either case, meh, no biggy. The art was remade, it’s still a nice game (and most importantly, it’s released… )
Arrggh…I am working on an Obama bobble head for the iphone. It’s not offensive in anyway but I don’t think I should waste anymore time on it if it might get rejected.
Sorry Ethan - was done using our own homebrew 2d sprite engine in obj-c and opengl. Had that running before you guys gave us the iPhone edition, and we didnt want to port at a late stage.
If you had given us beta access then…
Will most likely be the last non-Unity iPhone game for us though. So watch out. Balls of Steel is up next and already running on the phone. Was a breeze to port actually.
But buy buy!!! And remember to leave us some nice reviews please with sugar on top
What if you use the www class and 3weeks after release, suddenly tommy nobody’s face texture is suddenly GWB’s? because of switching the source texture used by www download? Cheeky yes, possible- well Thats the question.
I was thinking posters on walls in generic mac/pc games could be used for activist type- work if you used www sources for them, you could switch messages/textures AFTER you have market saturation…
Right - while technically totally possible, you will violate the SDK agreement, and I am in absolutely no doubt that Allpe will kick your app off the store if they discover this.
I have a few questions if you dont mind, I hope their not to personal, I just have never met anyone who’s ever published a game.
I was wondering how does the after game creation process work?
Did apple buy the game, you made?
Did you give it to them to sell for a percentage of the profits. (if so what kind of a percentage of sales do you get? 10, 20, 30?)
Is it given to them for recognition?
I really dont mean to offend you by asking these questions. Im a beginner user of unity and very interested as to how it works on the other end after creation.
Even though I have a really long way to go. Im still working on my first game character after 2 months (still only half way) and then I’ll try my first game character into my first game scene.
I love unity and these forums they make the gaming process a pleasure to be a part of and hopefully someday i’ll have something to give back.
Not blikstad but this is how it works. Apple takes 30%, You get 70%, That 70% profit divided by the team however they choose.
You do need to pay 99$ USD to be an iPhone Developer. Mostly to host the game, and publish on itunes, you have to provide them with contact, bank, and tax info. And your app has to be approved by them following submission.
You need to collect $250USD from each region before they cut you a check. So $240 in US and $10 in EU = no check, you need at least $250 from each. I believe there are 7 or 8 regions. Now the actual amount blikstad gets heh, he’ll have to answer (or not answer).