Smart localization asset with the Unity Samples: UI


I hope to find a quick answer i am really new to the Ui, GUI and specially localization techniques,
well i should have the Unity Samples: UI 3D menu (that you can find in the scene folder of the project) to make it change languages for the system language or the chosen language using Smart localization
assets… i so far been able to do it with text i create myself but to access the “Unity Samples: UI” element and change them when ever i wanted i just failed and all this is for hours later so… please try to help me even if this could be obvious solution… thank you and this is my code that i’ve attached to the canvas of the 3D scene (from the Unity Samples project) :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using SmartLocalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class SmartLocTutorial : MonoBehaviour

	string _welcome;
	string _newGame;
	AudioClip _playSound;
	GameObject _gameObject;
	Texture _texture;
	private Dictionary<string,string> currentLanguageValues;
	private List<SmartCultureInfo> availableLanguages;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		LanguageManager languageManager = LanguageManager.Instance;
		SmartCultureInfo systemLanguage = languageManager.GetSupportedSystemLanguage ();
		if (systemLanguage != null) {
			languageManager.ChangeLanguage (systemLanguage);	
		if (languageManager.NumberOfSupportedLanguages > 0) {
			currentLanguageValues = languageManager.RawTextDatabase;
			availableLanguages = languageManager.GetSupportedLanguages ();
		} else {
			Debug.LogError ("No languages are created!, Open the Smart Localization plugin at Window->Smart Localization and create your language!");
		languageManager.OnChangeLanguage += OnChangeLanguage;
//		languageManager.ChangeLanguage ("en");
	void OnDestroy ()
		if (LanguageManager.HasInstance)
			LanguageManager.Instance.OnChangeLanguage -= OnChangeLanguage;

	void OnChangeLanguage (LanguageManager thisLanguageManager)
//		_welcome = thisLanguageManager.GetTextValue ("Welcome.Key");
		GameObject.Find ("TitleLabel").GetComponentInChildren<GUIText> ().text = thisLanguageManager.GetTextValue ("Welcome.Key");
//		_newGame = thisLanguageManager.GetTextValue ("NewGame.Key");
		GameObject.Find ("_newGame").GetComponentInChildren<GUIText> ().text = thisLanguageManager.GetTextValue ("NewGame.Key");
		_playSound = thisLanguageManager.GetAudioClip ("PlaySound.Key");
		_texture = thisLanguageManager.GetTexture ("Texture.key");
		_gameObject = thisLanguageManager.GetPrefab ("GameObj.key");

	void OnGui ()
//		if (GUILayout.Button ("English")) {
//			LanguageManager.Instance.ChangeLanguage ("en");
//		}	
//		if (GUILayout.Button ("Français")) {
//			LanguageManager.Instance.ChangeLanguage ("fr");
//		}
	// Update is called once per frame
//	void Update ()
//	{
//	}

I just made an example of how the whole Unity3D Sample UI asset could work with Smart Localization and put it up on GitHub : GitHub - NiklasBorglund/SampleUIExample-SmartLocalization: A localized version of Unity 3D's SampleUI assets. Contains English & Swedish

Hope it helps!

Hey why you are not answering me?