VSP is Vegetation Studio Pro, I use it to spawn the trees, but your asset can not detect the trees for some reason. Even with + 20 trees in front of the camera it says that it detected 2 shadows and all tree shadows stay no matter what distance I set.
I see, I think there is a misunderstanding on what does the asset: it does not disable individual object shadows, it disable the light source shadows. For instance if you have a large scene with 50 light sources that computes shadows, you can enable the shadows for only 5 of them. The lights that emit shadows will be updated when you move on the scene.
Disabling individual object shadows, such as trees in a large open world scene, could be nice feature indeed, but this is not part of the package yet.
If you intended to use the asset in that specific use case and if you want a refund because it is not of use for you, you can send me your invoice info by email.
However, be careful that you need to use a render pipeline that supports real time point light shadows, because if it is not the case the asset will be of no use. For instance the Unity URP does not have real time point light shadows.
I have one more question before buy, What if we have a problem with directional light shadows, We would like to cull them on distance is that possible, or it just hide shadows on certain light, not by object distance but by light distance, I hope You know what I mean
The script can enable and disable directional light shadows using the same algorithm based on the distance from the player to the light source. So if you have several directional lights, the script will enable only the closest ones, and the other directional lights will not have shadow enabled.
However, do not hesitate to give me more details about your scene and use case, because directional lights are usually for “global” lighting.
Yes exactly we have only 1 directional global light, so I assume in this case it wont optimzie that at all? We have problem with low angle light long shadows
Yes, if you only have one directional light, the asset will be of no use for that case. The asset is made to enable and disable point (or cone) light shadows, it can not improve the directional shadow lights. Maybe try to look at the shadow cascade quality settings to tweak the distance.
It is said that it is compatible to Unity 2020.1. Doest that mean LTS and future version (2021) will not be supported? I am mostly interested for HDRP.
“to 2020.1” means that’s the last version I tested, but I plan to continue the support on next Unity versions.
Note that HDRP is compatible, but due to the disappearance of the “shadow strength” settings the shadows can not smoothly appear and disappear, they will be ON or OFF. I was not able to solve that issue yet.
On legacy render pipeline all features works perfectly.
However, with URP and HDRP, the smooth fade in/out effect of shadows can not work since Unity removed the “shadow strength” value within the new render pipeline. Shadows will simply be enabled/disabled.