Hello, i was trying to add new LocalizedString field to a serialized class with some elements with marked as SmartString but when i try to preview that it gives me this error like this
Weird thing is that SmartString preview works on other places just not on any serialized fields that i create now
Here is an example that works on the same project
This is something i think might be caused by my recent unity version upgrade from 2021.3.2f1 to 2021.3.34f1
I tried completely reimporting the project with no change and also tried to upgrade the localization package to 1.3.2 from package manager but that didnt change anything as well
I dont really know what is causing this it is just guesses any suggestions?
Thank you for your time…
Small update on my situation…
I tried to save some changes consisting LocalizedString fields that were setup to be Smart strings giving parsing errors just as i described in my original post of a prefab just to see and these errors popped up in the console
That’s strange. I think the error may be right here, could you please file a bug
I updated the localizaltion package to 1.5.0-pre.6 and the preview issue seems to be solved but now the editor gets stuck and closes without any warning or errors when i try to start the play mode
Can you see any errors in the log file?
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ok nevermind the crash it was caused by my dumb mistake
sholud be fixed now fingers and toes crossed
this helped me identify the mistake tho
so thank you very much for the tip
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