We are using SmartFox to be us online game server too, and This is our connection to the workflow.
Step1. user connects the login server, and make sure user account is correct.
Step2. To complete the above certification, then disconnected.
Step3. After login server is break, and user to try connects the game server.
The Step3 work is fail, but such a function is performed in the pc platform.
I think you can open a connection on any port as long as it’s not blocked by a firewall or other device and you take in account the security needed if your doing it in a webplayer.
appels, thanks for your reply, and the things you said there at work.
But I want to install two game server in one host server. If I connect a game server, even if I cut off the connection, but another is really a game server can not connect.
This problem only occurred in the Unity web platform, and the pc/mac platform is work.
Yeah - just delivered major milestone on a contract thats been lasting 2 months - so havent had time to follow up on much
What are you using as policy server? The SFS server - or the separate Unity policy server?
I’m not a policy file expert - but you could try to just use * for everything and see if it works.
Something like
But as said - I’m no expert on the policy part and what restrictions may/may not be in Unity webplayer about this. But theoretically it should work I think.
Do you remember to also have a policy server on host #2 BTW? If I recally, you need to have policy servers on each of the host machines.