Smartfox2X and unity multiplayer game

Ok so I am running though this tutorial on you tube Unity: SmartFox (006): Setup and Install Extension - YouTube and its working great but I realized something when I was fooling around with the variables for the public message. Everything is working just fine but the number of guest do not decrease when I stop the game. It just keeps adding up one at a time when i test the game out. I followed the code exactly but my Guest# keeps increasing. I think once I close the application it should minus one of the guest should it not?
is it not what this method does?

	//safely disconnect so no lose connection
	void OnApplicationQuit()

Well thanks for any help with this.

here is the whole code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Sfs2X;
using Sfs2X.Core;
using Sfs2X.Requests;
using Sfs2X.Entities;

public class SFS2X_Connect1 : MonoBehaviour {
	public string ConfigFile = "Scripts/Network/sfs-config.xml";
	public bool UseConfigFile = false;
    public string ServerIP = ""; //change this to remote ip for lan connection
	public int ServerPort = 9933; //defult port smartfox listens to
	//zone variable
	//the string is a zone running on Smartfox server
	public string ZoneName = "SmartFox Videos";
	public string RoomName = "Lobby";
	//login varaible
	public string UserName = "";
	//smartfox object
	SmartFox sfs;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		sfs = new SmartFox();
		//make sure smartfox uses unity tread modes
		//tells smartfox to hold onto event until asked for them
		sfs.ThreadSafeMode = true;
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, OnConnection);
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.LOGIN, OnLogin);
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.LOGIN_ERROR, OnLoginError);
		//config file event listener
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS, OnConfigLoad);
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE, OnConfigFail);
		//room joining events
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.ROOM_JOIN, OnJoinRoom);
		sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.ROOM_JOIN_ERROR, OnJoinRoomError);
		//send public meesage
		//this loads server zone and stuff from an xml file
			sfs.LoadConfig(Application.dataPath + "/" + ConfigFile);
			//create connection
			sfs.Connect(ServerIP, ServerPort);
	//smartfox event
	//must have a base event
	void OnConnection(BaseEvent e)
			Debug.Log("Successfully connected");
			//set zone name to what ever in config file then log into zone
				ZoneName = sfs.Config.Zone;
			//login request is Username password, zonename
			sfs.Send(new LoginRequest(UserName, "", ZoneName));
			Debug.Log("Connection Failed");
	//if login was successful
	void OnLogin(BaseEvent e)
		Debug.Log("Loged in: " + e.Params["user"]);
		//join a room
		//must be done after conneced to a zone and server
		sfs.Send(new JoinRoomRequest(RoomName));
	//if login was not successful
	void OnLoginError(BaseEvent e)
		Debug.Log("Login Error: " + e.Params["errorCode"] + " : " + e.Params["errorMessage"]);
	void OnPublicMessage(BaseEvent e)
		Room room = (Room)e.Params["room"];
		User sender = (User)e.Params["sender"];
		Debug.Log("[" + room.Name + "] " + sender.Name + " : " + e.Params["message"] );
	void OnJoinRoom(BaseEvent e)
		Debug.Log("Joined Room: " + e.Params["room"]);
		//to send a public message you must join a room first
		//then use this
		sfs.Send(new PublicMessageRequest("Hello"));
	void OnJoinRoomError(BaseEvent e)
		Debug.Log("Join Room Error: " + e.Params["errorCode"] + " : " + e.Params["errorMessage"]);
	//methods if using a config file
	void OnConfigLoad(BaseEvent e)
		Debug.Log("Config File loaded");
		//maually connect to server
	void OnConfigFail(BaseEvent e)
		Debug.Log("Failed to load config file");
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		//ask for threads
	//safely disconnect so no lose connection
	void OnApplicationQuit()

I’m pretty sure it keeps that number withheld just in case that guest is only running into network issues and giving away the i.d would cause problems when it comes back as they’d be trying to access there i.d but it’s been taken, especially as guest# is only in place of the username so reducing the guest# when somebody leaves allows somebody else to come in and steal their identity, which I’m sure I don’t have to explain why that’s not right