I have a ragdoll built up with character joints. And I have created a set of 3 Cubes that all have rigidbody. I placed the ragdoll in front of the basic cube wall and I want it to jump and break through the wall without deleting any cubes but sending the cubes flying like a real physics game. ALSO in the picture below as you can see the ragdoll has his arms in a T shape. How would I change it so they would act like normal ragdoll arms. Thanks
hey CubePhysics, there are a couple of tutorial videos online, about how to make a rag doll, and also some questions that have been much more thoroughly answered and this will be, I think you have to read all of that to get multiple guides on how to do it.
if the cubes have Collider and physics components added, and you don’t put destroy somewhere in the script to make them disappear, they should react physically as soon as another hard Collider hits them, as long as they’re not so heavy that they don’t budge, checking the components physics settings of the queue, add a physics components to the cube prefab you use if it doesn’t have one already