I modified a script that Joachim Ante wrote a while ago to try to create a smooth 90 turn but it doesn’t want to work.
The idea is that you hit the ‘b’ key to turn 90 degrees to the right. I have it working another way but it is frame dependent so I wanted to improve upon it.
var startrotation = 270;
function Update () {
if (Input. GetKeyDown ("b")) {
StartCoroutine("Slerp", 1.0);
function Slerp (time : float)
var curroation : Vector3;
var newrotation : Vector3;
var originalTime = time;
curroation = Vector3(0, startrotation, 0);
newrotation = Vector3(0,(startrotation + 90),0);
startrotation = startrotation + 90;
while (time > 0.0)
time -= Time.deltaTime;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(curroation, newrotation, time / originalTime);