Smooth camera movement

I am trying to update my current Camera Movement script, to allow smoother movements.

        //On normal speed
        if(tempDirection != && Time.timeScale == 1)
            tempDirection = transform.TransformDirection(tempDirection);
            tempDirection.y = 0;
            tempDirection = tempDirection.normalized * cameraSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            transform.Translate(tempDirection, Space.World);

I have replaced line 6 with Vector3.SmoothDamp, but the results are really clunky and I’m not entirely sure why.

transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, tempDirection, ref velocity, 1f);

Any suggestion on a better form of smoothing this movement would be appricated. Thanks.

Do you mean line 7?

Why are you using a direction vector for the destination point? Normally you would just input the position you want the camera to go to. It’s kind of difficult to figure out exactly what you’re going for, though.