What this asset gives you is complete ready made camera scripts for your game or prototype!
It has 4 different camera scripts to choose from each one a unique camera type.
It uses a logistic growth function for smoothing and it does a great job at avoiding clipping with geometry.
The camera’s are very smooth and have nice graphical quality!
Here are just a few game types you could make using SCP:
-First-Person Shooter
-Third-Person Shooter
-Role Playing Game
-Top-Down Shooter
The included features:
-Smooth rotation and zooming.
-First-person head-bobbing.
-Custom smoothing function with spring-like motion
-Geometry avoidance with collision offset
-Custom player controllers for your game
-Animation State controller for your player animations
-Weapon and bullethole scripts.
-East-to-use script editor
-Code is easy to understand.
Just made a recent update that greatly improved the collision detection and camera rotation!
I plan on making updates frequently for this asset and I welcome any and all suggestions!
Hey everyone, been working on a big update for the asset. I’ve been expanding some of the functionality of the camera scripts, and fixing any bugs I may encounter.
Some of the functionality I will be including will make it easier for developers to get the results they want, without the extra coding.
I will also be including new mecanim based player scripts, a custom spreading crosshair, and a custom head look controller for better aiming. (As seen in the recent video demo)
I want to also give the demo scenes more interactivity, making them more suitable for a building block to create your game.
I plan on submitting the update sometime next week if all goes well. Please leave any comments, questions, or ideas about the asset!
Here is a video of the current W.I.P update for the asset! Please note that the models seen in this video may be subject to change for the release, but will try and include them in the asset!