Smooth corners for Linerenderer?

Hi, corners/curve with the Linerenderer cause parts to overlap, which creates these thick red areas shown below:

Are there any alternatives to this? I can’t seen to find anything I can use through google. I found something on the asset store for trails, but it’s only for trails and not linerenderers.

Any advice? Thanks!

Vectrosity has an option specifically for that (Joins.Weld).


Thanks for the suggestion Eric, but Vectrosity is only for lines, I need to be able to use a material… Here’s another example with an animated flame (sorry about the low quality):

You can use a material with Vectrosity.


Sorry, what I meant was to use materials with it being 3D. Vectrocity can use materials but it only creates Flat lines (like for a HUD)

For example it can’t create this in 3D space, as the lines are the same thickness and projected in a flat space
(my project below)

I threw in a trail renderer which didn’t work too great either.