Smooth curved collider


So I want to do a looping with my cart, but the cart is slowed at each transition between the box colliders of the rails. I also tried to add a mesh collider to the whole looping but it’s a concave structure.

I made a quick video so you can see what I mean :

Is there a way to smoothen the curve so that there is no collision when the cart goes from one rail to the next ?

I found a solution, i’ll post it here in case someone in the future has a similar problem. Please consider though that I don’t think my solution is good at all, but it’ll do for now.
So I added inbetween box colliders to smoothen the curve and added a 0 friction material.
I also encompassed the whole looping into a big trigger sphere collider and I change the cart’s physics material to a 0 friction one when he enters the collider. Of course setting it back to the previous material when he leaves.

The result is smooth enough to give the illusion that I know what I’m doing haha

mmm have you tried to use wheels with a bigger radius?

You mean WheelColliders ?

Yes, with larger wheels so that the carriage body does not collide with the track pieces when turning.
(at first, you may try to simply shrink the collider of the body)

Yes I tried everything but the cart was still doing abrupt stops when hitting a new collider. It doesn’t surprise me since it also does that on adjacent horizontal colliders.