I need someone to write a shader that’ll achieve the same style/look as the below screenshot (especially how smooth the ground is)
Must work with URP
Unity version is 2020.3.26f1
I’m kinda busy right now but here’s what I’d try out :
- The character seems to use the URP Standard PBR shader with a smoothness set to high.
- For the ground, I think the effect is super simple. It’s just not PBR, and the rectangle you’re seeing that probably animates smoothly kinda simulating the waves breaking onto it, would be a periodic stretch and fading shader. That’s not that hard to make (I’m almost sure you could ask an AI to do this, only thing would be making sure it’s URP)
- The vegetation seems to use gradient based lighting. You can look this technique up, once again it’s super simple to make, there’s probably some shaders out there on GitHub that achieve this result.
- As for the water, it’s using a dot product with the view vector to achieve gradient based coloring based on the view direction. Then the foam seems to be multiplied to the specular, as we can see with the small noise on the sides. I can redirect you to this asset : Stylized Water 3 | VFX Shaders | Unity Asset Store This has a plethora of features you can toy with. I’m sure you can achieve the same look with the settings done right.
Sorry for not being available at the moment, but best of luck!
thank you for explaining every detail thoroughly!
Could you elaborate a bit more on the ground please? I just care about the ground the most actually.
I’m currently using probuilder and you know how sharp probuilder edges are, i want them to look smooth like these (bevel didn’t work, sadly).
Im more curious as to why you cant bevel them
I haven’t played enough with probuilder to be able to answer you with regards to beveling. Sadly the best thing I can think of would be exporting it to Blender and perform the bevels there. Best of luck!
Bevel still doesnt achieve the same look, it’s not as smooth unfortunately
did you smooth it?
well your bevel looks like it was real wide… its also not the same textures so it is a little harder to compare, but, if i had bevelled twice, and done a bit more work this wouldnt look as bad as yours - im not saying mine is any good mind, I spent more time selecting sides to put colours on.
bar the funcky corner, this wasnt bad