Hi echo17.
just bought the plugin, amazing work.
I was hooked the moment I saw the workflow in your tutorials.
I’m especially amazed at the ease of mixing the animations textures.
I liked it so much, now I’m porting my project over to use it (still using placeholder assets, I’m integrating it before the work gets tough)
anyway, just found a bug (simple one) wanted to let you know (not sure if there’s another place for it, so I’ll just add it here)
if you add a keyframe for the shield at frame 3,
a keyframe for the Arm_R on frame 4
then select the shield,
then point the mouse on the keyframes use the scroll wheel to move the currently selected frame
the shield is still moveable even though the currently highlighted frame is frame 5 if you move the shield, frame 3 gets updated.
I’m still trying the plugin, but I think if I’m to request anything, it would be some keyboard shortcuts for renaming the bones animation clips.
that after clicking “rename” all of the current text should be highlighted so I can type right away.
if possible, let scrolling on the bones actually scroll the bones list 
also, one of the positive side effects of allowing changing the texture in each frame, is that it can actually have Sprite Animations (like in the other 2D packages), however, in order to do that, it would help greatly if you can sort the textures in the atlas by name.
(example, I have the animations “BloodSplatter000” through to “BloodSplatter029” (a particle effect), if I add them one by one, they remain sorted, so that when i set them in the animation editor, I know which one goes where, however, if I select all of them in the editor drag drop them on the atlas editor, I lose their sorting then lose track have no ability to actually set them up in the animation editor (this is especially hard for particle effects))
so, if possible, when dragging many sprites to the atlas editor, sort them by name before adding them.