Smooth moving object with mouse


My Question is simple

I would like move my character with mouse smoothly

I used this code: its works but not smooth at all

void FixedUpdate()
    		float HorizontalAxis = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
    		float VerticalAxis = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
    		Vector3 movement = new Vector3(HorizontalAxis, VerticalAxis, 0.0f);
    		rigidbody.velocity = movement * speed;

I used Mouse X and Y because Horizontal and Vertical Axis doesn’t work with me, I don’t know Why…

About the way, I am new to unity scripting,m I hope found some one help me with this

Thats what I want to do: Move object or player with mouse ( 2D Game) only X and Y values should be edited

best regards


Thanks for reply