Hi chaps and chapesses!
I’ve been scratching my head over this for some time now and a search of the forums (and Google in general) has not provided me with an answer (or at least, one that I recognise as an answer!)
The scrolling works - I can increase the speed as desired by pressing ‘A’ (only testing on one direction thus far), but there is a noticeable ‘skip’ when the newPositionX resets to 0. (15 is the width of my tile I am er, tiling) and I need to reposition back at 0 when it reaches 15. Could someone kindly advise what I need to tweak to achieve this?
I’m thinking that my ‘IF’ statements might be overkill, having used mathf.repeat?
Look forward to any assistance - it would be greatly appreciated!!
My full class, in its current (working but jittery) state:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MoverScroller : MonoBehaviour
public float scrollSpeedX; //The speed that the player is moving in the X direction
public float scrollSpeedZ; //The speed that the player is moving in the Z direction
public float maxSpeedX; //The maximum speed that the player can move in the X direction
public float maxSpeedZ; //The maximum speed that the player can move in the Z direction
public float tileSizeX; //The X size of the background tiles
public float tileSizeZ; //The Z size of the background tiles
private Vector3 startPosition; //The start position of the player
private float newPositionX;
private float newPositionZ;
void Start ()
startPosition = transform.position;
void Update ()
if (newPositionX <= tileSizeX)
newPositionX += Mathf.Repeat(Time.deltaTime * scrollSpeedX, tileSizeX);
newPositionX = 0;
if (newPositionZ <= tileSizeZ)
newPositionZ += Mathf.Repeat(Time.deltaTime * scrollSpeedZ, tileSizeZ);
newPositionZ = 0;
transform.position = startPosition + (Vector3.forward * newPositionZ) + (Vector3.left * newPositionX);
void GetPlayerInput()
scrollSpeedX += 1;