Smooth transition between two Vectors?

I’m writing a script to aim down the sights of a gun. So far I have:

	private Vector3 oldPos;
	private Vector3 newPos;

	void Start ()
		oldPos = new Vector3 (this.transform.localPosition.x, this.transform.localPosition.y, this.transform.localPosition.z);

	void Update () 
		if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (1)) 
			Aim ();

		if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (1)) 
			UnAim ();


	void Aim ()
		Vector3 newPos = new Vector3 (0f, this.transform.localPosition.y, this.transform.localPosition.z);
		this.transform.localPosition = newPos;

	void UnAim ()
		this.transform.localPosition = oldPos;

Which works perfectly, but I want the transition back and forth to be smooth. I tried Vector3.Smoothdamp but it messes up my positions and causes the gun to go above the player’s head and sometimes gets it stuck there. Is there another way to do this? Or am I implementing incorrectly?


Edit - “a” to “am”

Have you tried using Vector3.Lerp?