Can we have smooth UI masks built-in Unity ?
i.e UI masks that controls the transparency of the pixels depending on the alpha value, something like what this library does : mob-sakai/SoftMaskForUGUI: UI Soft Mask is a smooth masking component for Unity UI (uGUI) elements. (
Hi Nukode, this is not something you can achieve today but we definitely want to support soft masks in the future.
Glad to hear that ! That would be an awesome feature whenever it comes out
It’s things like this that bankrupt small teams, infuriate big ones and push developers to quit unity, I’m working on a UI feature and it so happens that after years of working with unity for the first time I need a soft mask for UI, and I just found out that it doesn’t exist. I actually found it funny in a very dark way, it’s such an obvious feature. You have DOTS that no one asked for and no one is using, and you only have it for PR reasons, but feature as obvious as a soft mask for UI has not been implemented for more then a decade. It’s unbelievable.
2023 and Unity still does not support this basic feature despite the amount of funding it has, laughable at minimum.
They ain’t going to develop it for uGUI anymore either. If they are, I’d be surprised.
But UI Toolkit masking is on the list of TODO. That’ll take quite some time as well.
All you can do is either implement it yourself or wait.
But the waiting, you’ll be waiting years.
I hope Unity will make an investment on more UI devs to get some more development velocity in there.
Their team isn’t large and they’re spread across multiple area’s as well.
I’ve complained multiple times about the development velocity but it doesn’t seem Unity is going to do anything about it.
I really love UI toolkit, but it’ll take years before I finally actually use it. Soon™
Unity being Unity part 734…
Still so suprised this feature is missing and soo annoying to deal with
Hi guys, I just created a UI Soft Mask package to supply those needs.
Activity Media » UI Soft Mask.
Designed for SRP it works with all render pipelines and build targets.
Also, allows extending any UI shader by adding the soft mask easily into it.
Appreciate any review and feel free to request improvements.
oh noes…
I’ve quite in disbelief it is such a big problem.
Dig around the internet, found some solutions that have been too old, some lost support or supports other Unity3d version or other render pipeline.
It is one of essential feature for good looking UI. How is it not in main Unity3d featureset still.
Why is this marked as resolved? only promises I see here… is really sad that a mask can’t receive alpha , the plugins that we can find on the store have a lot of errors and are really expensive for the job that it does… I prefer to have a mediocre UI than expend all that money to get soft masks… there’s already a lot of money to expend in other features more important …
and is true, who uses DOTS? (of course there are projects that use it but I’m sure that there is 10000 % more people who needs SOFT MASKS!!! )
Just found this free plugin that has no errors for my by now GitHub - olegknyazev/SoftMask: A plugin for Unity 3D that brings alpha-friendly masking to UI.