SmoothFollow Script doesn't follow (Clone) GameObject

well could not find a solution…
At my end of the Game you can see what you have done.
So i have a Menü where you can choose what you want…
Now if i hit the Replay Button my Gameobject got Cloned and walk the Path…
Only my Camera with the SmoothFollow Skript stay’s @ the same place…
Is there a Script solution maybe in C# ?
thank you.

It’s obviously still following the original object. Grab a link to the camera’s script, and change the transform target variable to point to your new clone.

If you need to learn how to access an object’s script along with it’s variables, it’s fully documented in the scripting reference.

well to make a link is not a problem but how do i access this new Gameobject ?
It has the same Name as my Prefab Ghost(Clone) ?

When you instance your ghost/clone, you by default have a pointer to it.

clone = Instantiate(clonePrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);

Myself, I would just grab a link to the camera’s script right after you instance your new clone. Set the transform target right then and there. As per the documentation you’ve read, you can find your camera gameObject with Camera.main, FindObjectWithTag(), etc.

well i got the switch not to work…


i have a second camera also for my endgame menu.
i use the smoothfollow script with these addition:

 var target : Transform;
function Update (){

	if (!target) 
      target = GameObject.Find("Ghost(Clone)").transform; 

it works with 2 little issues:
problem is if my GameObject is destroyed i got a error message and i want that the camera goes back to the initial position…
other issue is that i don’t have to assign a GameObject to var target. :roll: than it works… but i don’t know a workaround…

I know this sounds nooby, but this is my first multiuser game. I cant seem to make the camera follow the clone when it spawns, and I have no idea what grabbing a link and transforming it means. Every time I try to make it follow the clone, I get a strange error :evil:. Could someone give me a script so that:

Instead of following new Prefab, when it spawns new Prefab(Clone) it would follow that instead. Help would be much appreciated. :smile:

More info:
Im trying to make a racing game. This is the script im using.

private var wheelRadius : float = 0.4;
var suspensionRange : float = 0.1;
var suspensionDamper : float = 50;
var suspensionSpringFront : float = 18500;
var suspensionSpringRear : float = 9000;

var dragMultiplier : Vector3 = new Vector3(2, 5, 1);

var throttle : float = 0;
private var steer : float = 0;
private var handbrake : boolean = false;

var centerOfMass : Transform;

var frontWheels : Transform[];
var rearWheels : Transform[];

private var wheels : Wheel[];
wheels = new Wheel[frontWheels.Length + rearWheels.Length];

private var wfc : WheelFrictionCurve;

var topSpeed : float = 160;
var numberOfGears : int = 5;

var maximumTurn : int = 15;
var minimumTurn : int = 10;

var resetTime : float = 5.0;
private var resetTimer : float = 0.0;

private var engineForceValues : float[];
private var gearSpeeds : float[];

private var currentGear : int;
private var currentEnginePower : float = 0.0;

private var handbrakeXDragFactor : float = 0.5;
private var initialDragMultiplierX : float = 10.0;
private var handbrakeTime : float = 0.0;
private var handbrakeTimer : float = 1.0;

private var skidmarks : Skidmarks = null;
private var skidSmoke : ParticleEmitter = null;
var skidmarkTime : float[];

private var sound : SoundController = null;
sound = transform.GetComponent(SoundController);

private var canSteer : boolean;
private var canDrive : boolean;

class Wheel
	var collider : WheelCollider;
	var wheelGraphic : Transform;
	var tireGraphic : Transform;
	var driveWheel : boolean = false;
	var steerWheel : boolean = false;
	var lastSkidmark : int = -1;
	var lastEmitPosition : Vector3 =;
	var lastEmitTime : float = Time.time;
	var wheelVelo : Vector3 =;
	var groundSpeed : Vector3 =;

function Start()
	// Measuring 1 - 60
	accelerationTimer = Time.time;
	topSpeed = Convert_Miles_Per_Hour_To_Meters_Per_Second(topSpeed);
	initialDragMultiplierX = dragMultiplier.x;

function Update()
	var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);

function FixedUpdate()
	// The rigidbody velocity is always given in world space, but in order to work in local space of the car model we need to transform it first.
	var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
	ApplyThrottle(canDrive, relativeVelocity);
	ApplySteering(canSteer, relativeVelocity);

/* Functions called from Start()                  */

function SetupWheelColliders()
	var wheelCount : int = 0;
	for (var t : Transform in frontWheels)
		wheels[wheelCount] = SetupWheel(t, true);
	for (var t : Transform in rearWheels)
		wheels[wheelCount] = SetupWheel(t, false);

function SetupWheelFrictionCurve()
	wfc = new WheelFrictionCurve();
	wfc.extremumSlip = 1;
	wfc.extremumValue = 50;
	wfc.asymptoteSlip = 2;
	wfc.asymptoteValue = 25;
	wfc.stiffness = 1;

function SetupWheel(wheelTransform : Transform, isFrontWheel : boolean)
	var go : GameObject = new GameObject( + " Collider");
	go.transform.position = wheelTransform.position;
	go.transform.parent = transform;
	go.transform.rotation = wheelTransform.rotation;
	var wc : WheelCollider = go.AddComponent(typeof(WheelCollider)) as WheelCollider;
	wc.suspensionDistance = suspensionRange;
	var js : JointSpring = wc.suspensionSpring;
	if (isFrontWheel)
		js.spring = suspensionSpringFront;
		js.spring = suspensionSpringRear;
	js.damper = suspensionDamper;
	wc.suspensionSpring = js;
	wheel = new Wheel(); 
	wheel.collider = wc;
	wc.sidewaysFriction = wfc;
	wheel.wheelGraphic = wheelTransform;
	wheel.tireGraphic = wheelTransform.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform)[1];
	wheelRadius = wheel.tireGraphic.renderer.bounds.size.y / 2;	
	wheel.collider.radius = wheelRadius;
	if (isFrontWheel)
		wheel.steerWheel = true;
		go = new GameObject( + " Steer Column");
		go.transform.position = wheelTransform.position;
		go.transform.rotation = wheelTransform.rotation;
		go.transform.parent = transform;
		wheelTransform.parent = go.transform;
		wheel.driveWheel = true;
	return wheel;

function SetupCenterOfMass()
	if(centerOfMass != null)
		rigidbody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass.localPosition;

function SetupGears()
	engineForceValues = new float[numberOfGears];
	gearSpeeds = new float[numberOfGears];
	var tempTopSpeed : float = topSpeed;
	for(var i = 0; i < numberOfGears; i++)
		if(i > 0)
			gearSpeeds[i] = tempTopSpeed / 4 + gearSpeeds[i-1];
			gearSpeeds[i] = tempTopSpeed / 4;
		tempTopSpeed -= tempTopSpeed / 4;
	var engineFactor : float = topSpeed / gearSpeeds[gearSpeeds.Length - 1];
	for(i = 0; i < numberOfGears; i++)
		var maxLinearDrag : float = gearSpeeds[i] * gearSpeeds[i];// * dragMultiplier.z;
		engineForceValues[i] = maxLinearDrag * engineFactor;

function SetUpSkidmarks()
		skidmarks = FindObjectOfType(Skidmarks);
		skidSmoke = skidmarks.GetComponentInChildren(ParticleEmitter);
		Debug.Log("No skidmarks object found. Skidmarks will not be drawn");
	skidmarkTime = new float[4];
	for (var f : float in skidmarkTime)
		f = 0.0;

/* Functions called from Update()                 */

function GetInput()
	throttle = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
	steer = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

function CheckHandbrake()
			handbrake = true;
			handbrakeTime = Time.time;
			dragMultiplier.x = initialDragMultiplierX * handbrakeXDragFactor;
	else if(handbrake)
		handbrake = false;
		StartCoroutine(StopHandbraking(Mathf.Min(5, Time.time - handbrakeTime)));

function StopHandbraking(seconds : float)
	var diff : float = initialDragMultiplierX - dragMultiplier.x;
	handbrakeTimer = 1;
	// Get the x value of the dragMultiplier back to its initial value in the specified time.
	while(dragMultiplier.x < initialDragMultiplierX  !handbrake)
		dragMultiplier.x += diff * (Time.deltaTime / seconds);
		handbrakeTimer -= Time.deltaTime / seconds;
	dragMultiplier.x = initialDragMultiplierX;
	handbrakeTimer = 0;

function Check_If_Car_Is_Flipped()
	if(transform.localEulerAngles.z > 80  transform.localEulerAngles.z < 280)
		resetTimer += Time.deltaTime;
		resetTimer = 0;
	if(resetTimer > resetTime)

function FlipCar()
	transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward);
	transform.position += Vector3.up * 0.5;
	rigidbody.velocity =;
	rigidbody.angularVelocity =;
	resetTimer = 0;
	currentEnginePower = 0;

var wheelCount : float;
function UpdateWheelGraphics(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
	wheelCount = -1;
	for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
		var wheel : WheelCollider = w.collider;
		var wh : WheelHit = new WheelHit();
		// First we get the velocity at the point where the wheel meets the ground, if the wheel is touching the ground
			w.wheelGraphic.localPosition = wheel.transform.up * (wheelRadius + wheel.transform.InverseTransformPoint(wh.point).y);
			w.wheelVelo = rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(wh.point);
			w.groundSpeed = w.wheelGraphic.InverseTransformDirection(w.wheelVelo);
			// Code to handle skidmark drawing. Not covered in the tutorial
				if(skidmarkTime[wheelCount] < 0.02  w.lastSkidmark != -1)
					skidmarkTime[wheelCount] += Time.deltaTime;
					var dt : float = skidmarkTime[wheelCount] == 0.0 ? Time.deltaTime : skidmarkTime[wheelCount];
					skidmarkTime[wheelCount] = 0.0;

					var handbrakeSkidding : float = handbrake  w.driveWheel ? w.wheelVelo.magnitude * 0.3 : 0;
					var skidGroundSpeed = Mathf.Abs(w.groundSpeed.x) - 15;
					if(skidGroundSpeed > 0 || handbrakeSkidding > 0)
						var staticVel : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(skidSmoke.localVelocity) + skidSmoke.worldVelocity;
						if(w.lastSkidmark != -1)
							var emission : float = UnityEngine.Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEmission, skidSmoke.maxEmission);
							var lastParticleCount : float = w.lastEmitTime * emission;
							var currentParticleCount : float = Time.time * emission;
							var noOfParticles : int = Mathf.CeilToInt(currentParticleCount) - Mathf.CeilToInt(lastParticleCount);
							var lastParticle : int = Mathf.CeilToInt(lastParticleCount);
							for(var i = 0; i <= noOfParticles; i++)
								var particleTime : float = Mathf.InverseLerp(lastParticleCount, currentParticleCount, lastParticle + i);
								skidSmoke.Emit(	Vector3.Lerp(w.lastEmitPosition, wh.point, particleTime) + new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1)), staticVel + (w.wheelVelo * 0.05), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minSize, skidSmoke.maxSize) * Mathf.Clamp(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1,0.5,1), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEnergy, skidSmoke.maxEnergy), Color.white);
							skidSmoke.Emit(	wh.point + new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1)), staticVel + (w.wheelVelo * 0.05), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minSize, skidSmoke.maxSize) * Mathf.Clamp(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1,0.5,1), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEnergy, skidSmoke.maxEnergy), Color.white);
						w.lastEmitPosition = wh.point;
						w.lastEmitTime = Time.time;
						w.lastSkidmark = skidmarks.AddSkidMark(wh.point + rigidbody.velocity * dt, wh.normal, (skidGroundSpeed * 0.1 + handbrakeSkidding) * Mathf.Clamp01(wh.force / wheel.suspensionSpring.spring), w.lastSkidmark);
						sound.Skid(true, Mathf.Clamp01(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1));
						w.lastSkidmark = -1;
						sound.Skid(false, 0);
			// If the wheel is not touching the ground we set the position of the wheel graphics to
			// the wheel's transform position + the range of the suspension.
			w.wheelGraphic.position = wheel.transform.position + (-wheel.transform.up * suspensionRange);
				w.wheelVelo *= 0.9;
				w.wheelVelo *= 0.9 * (1 - throttle);
				w.lastSkidmark = -1;
				sound.Skid(false, 0);
		// If the wheel is a steer wheel we apply two rotations:
		// *Rotation around the Steer Column (visualizes the steer direction)
		// *Rotation that visualizes the speed
			var ea : Vector3 = w.wheelGraphic.parent.localEulerAngles;
			ea.y = steer * maximumTurn;
			w.wheelGraphic.parent.localEulerAngles = ea;
			w.tireGraphic.Rotate(Vector3.right * (w.groundSpeed.z / wheelRadius) * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
		else if(!handbrake  w.driveWheel)
			// If the wheel is a drive wheel it only gets the rotation that visualizes speed.
			// If we are hand braking we don't rotate it.
			w.tireGraphic.Rotate(Vector3.right * (w.groundSpeed.z / wheelRadius) * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg);

function UpdateGear(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
	currentGear = 0;
	for(var i = 0; i < numberOfGears - 1; i++)
		if(relativeVelocity.z > gearSpeeds[i])
			currentGear = i + 1;

/* Functions called from FixedUpdate()            */

function UpdateDrag(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
	var relativeDrag : Vector3 = new Vector3(	-relativeVelocity.x * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.x), 
												-relativeVelocity.y * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.y), 
												-relativeVelocity.z * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.z) );
	var drag = Vector3.Scale(dragMultiplier, relativeDrag);
	if(initialDragMultiplierX > dragMultiplier.x) // Handbrake code
		drag.x /= (relativeVelocity.magnitude / (topSpeed / ( 1 + 2 * handbrakeXDragFactor ) ) );
		drag.z *= (1 + Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rigidbody.velocity.normalized, transform.forward)));
		drag += rigidbody.velocity * Mathf.Clamp01(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / topSpeed);
	else // No handbrake
		drag.x *= topSpeed / relativeVelocity.magnitude;
	if(Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.x) < 5  !handbrake)
		drag.x = -relativeVelocity.x * dragMultiplier.x;

	rigidbody.AddForce(transform.TransformDirection(drag) * rigidbody.mass * Time.deltaTime);

function UpdateFriction(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
	var sqrVel : float = relativeVelocity.x * relativeVelocity.x;
	// Add extra sideways friction based on the car's turning velocity to avoid slipping
	wfc.extremumValue = Mathf.Clamp(300 - sqrVel, 0, 300);
	wfc.asymptoteValue = Mathf.Clamp(150 - (sqrVel / 2), 0, 150);
	for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
		w.collider.sidewaysFriction = wfc;
		w.collider.forwardFriction = wfc;

function CalculateEnginePower(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
	if(throttle == 0)
		currentEnginePower -= Time.deltaTime * 200;
	else if( HaveTheSameSign(relativeVelocity.z, throttle) )
		normPower = (currentEnginePower / engineForceValues[engineForceValues.Length - 1]) * 2;
		currentEnginePower += Time.deltaTime * 200 * EvaluateNormPower(normPower);
		currentEnginePower -= Time.deltaTime * 300;
	if(currentGear == 0)
		currentEnginePower = Mathf.Clamp(currentEnginePower, 0, engineForceValues[0]);
		currentEnginePower = Mathf.Clamp(currentEnginePower, engineForceValues[currentGear - 1], engineForceValues[currentGear]);

function CalculateState()
	canDrive = false;
	canSteer = false;
	for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
				canSteer = true;
				canDrive = true;

function ApplyThrottle(canDrive : boolean, relativeVelocity : Vector3)
		var throttleForce : float = 0;
		var brakeForce : float = 0;
		if (HaveTheSameSign(relativeVelocity.z, throttle))
			if (!handbrake)
				throttleForce = Mathf.Sign(throttle) * currentEnginePower * rigidbody.mass;
			brakeForce = Mathf.Sign(throttle) * engineForceValues[0] * rigidbody.mass;
		rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * (throttleForce + brakeForce));

function ApplySteering(canSteer : boolean, relativeVelocity : Vector3)
		var turnRadius : float = 3.0 / Mathf.Sin((90 - (steer * 30)) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
		var minMaxTurn : float = EvaluateSpeedToTurn(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);
		var turnSpeed : float = Mathf.Clamp(relativeVelocity.z / turnRadius, -minMaxTurn / 10, minMaxTurn / 10);
		transform.RotateAround(	transform.position + transform.right * turnRadius * steer, 
								turnSpeed * Mathf.Rad2Deg * Time.deltaTime * steer);
		var debugStartPoint = transform.position + transform.right * turnRadius * steer;
		var debugEndPoint = debugStartPoint + Vector3.up * 5;
		Debug.DrawLine(debugStartPoint, debugEndPoint,;
		if(initialDragMultiplierX > dragMultiplier.x) // Handbrake
			var rotationDirection : float = Mathf.Sign(steer); // rotationDirection is -1 or 1 by default, depending on steering
			if(steer == 0)
				if(rigidbody.angularVelocity.y < 1) // If we are not steering and we are handbraking and not rotating fast, we apply a random rotationDirection
					rotationDirection = Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0);
					rotationDirection = rigidbody.angularVelocity.y; // If we are rotating fast we are applying that rotation to the car
			// -- Finally we apply this rotation around a point between the cars front wheels.
			transform.RotateAround( transform.TransformPoint( (	frontWheels[0].localPosition + frontWheels[1].localPosition) * 0.5), 
																rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * Mathf.Clamp01(1 - rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / topSpeed) * rotationDirection * Time.deltaTime * 2);

/*               Utility Functions                */

function Convert_Miles_Per_Hour_To_Meters_Per_Second(value : float) : float
	return value * 0.44704;

function Convert_Meters_Per_Second_To_Miles_Per_Hour(value : float) : float
	return value * 2.23693629;	

function HaveTheSameSign(first : float, second : float) : boolean
	if (Mathf.Sign(first) == Mathf.Sign(second))
		return true;
		return false;

function EvaluateSpeedToTurn(speed : float)
	if(speed > topSpeed / 2)
		return minimumTurn;
	var speedIndex : float = 1 - (speed / (topSpeed / 2));
	return minimumTurn + speedIndex * (maximumTurn - minimumTurn);

function EvaluateNormPower(normPower : float)
	if(normPower < 1)
		return 10 - normPower * 9;
		return 1.9 - normPower * 0.9;

function GetGearState()
	var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
	var lowLimit : float = (currentGear == 0 ? 0 : gearSpeeds[currentGear-1]);
	return (relativeVelocity.z - lowLimit) / (gearSpeeds[currentGear - lowLimit]) * (1 - currentGear * 0.1) + currentGear * 0.1;

How do I make this script follow the clone instead of the original. Could someone write me up a script, because I am stumped. Thanks, in advance! :smile: