I have a project that uses the kinect. The values that i recieve from the kinect are very small (need big numbers for my project) so i multiple the number so i get a good “workable” FLOAT.
Now as i move my arm the kinect tends to gitter a bit, as a results the FLOAT does not have a consistent “flow” because i use the FLOAT for a very specific purpose i can’t use those gitters… als if i just hold my arm still i still got minor movements resulting in tiny movements in my object…if i just CEIL the number the “steps” are to big. so i need the decimals but not the gittering…
My question; can i somehow smooth-out the movement so that i have some kind of threshold where the gitter does not happen? but still keep the decimals for smooth movement… i hoped to do it with LERP but i can’t figure out the code…