Smoothing a numeric range for movement with kinect

I have a project that uses the kinect. The values that i recieve from the kinect are very small (need big numbers for my project) so i multiple the number so i get a good “workable” FLOAT.

Now as i move my arm the kinect tends to gitter a bit, as a results the FLOAT does not have a consistent “flow” because i use the FLOAT for a very specific purpose i can’t use those gitters… als if i just hold my arm still i still got minor movements resulting in tiny movements in my object…if i just CEIL the number the “steps” are to big. so i need the decimals but not the gittering…

My question; can i somehow smooth-out the movement so that i have some kind of threshold where the gitter does not happen? but still keep the decimals for smooth movement… i hoped to do it with LERP but i can’t figure out the code…

Maybe you want a low-pass filter? e.g. just remember the last ten readings you took, and instead of using the most recent reading, use the average of the last ten. If that gives you the right kind of effect, you can change filter kernel shape to fit your needs better (e.g. window length, envelope).

yeah, low pass or a moving average.