I’m doing a first person view space shooter. The player’s ship is on an orbit around the ennemies (only on the XZ plan (rotate around the Y axis), so on a circular orbit not a spherical) and it can pan up and down from his position on the orbit. For the rotation and the panning I’ve used the Fingergesture scripts (TBOrbit on an empty game object and TBPan on a camera which is child of the empty gameobject).
This is what I want to achieve:
When you are at the highest point and you drag the camera down, I want a small rotation of the camera upwards, and the opposite when you move up from the bottom.
A bit like what’s happening with your pen inbetween your fingers when you move your hand up and down.
How can I achieve this ? Can someone send me to the right direction on how to do this please.
Thanks a lot for your help