Smoothly Transitioning from Mesh Animation states

I would like to know how (if its even possible) to smoothly move from one animation state to another.

I have my mesh imported with the clips set up no problem, but I wish to implement something like

this is a flash version using the Away3d engine where at any point the current mesh position can smoothly tween to its next state and then that animation plays on.

Is this something that Im missing? Or is this something that perhaps I should fire into the wishlist…

Absolutely, Unity’s animation system is pretty powerful and easy to use. Search the docs for AnimationState to find all the nifty things you can do to blend between or mix different animations at runtime. In that demo you linked, you could achieve the same results by using the following…

animation.CrossFade("animName", time);

… where time is how long (in seconds) that you want the transition to take, and “animName” would be the name of your animation clip.