sniper mouse sensitivity problem

i have a sniper and it zooms in, except im using the fps controller thing that came with unity and its in C#, and i dont know any C#. when i zoom in heaps moving the mouse 1 pixel across the screen will move the camera heaps so i cant aim at anything right. i want the sensitivity to go down to 1.5 when the right mouse button is down and go back to 15 when it is up, doesn anyone know how to do that?

You see those two values sensitivityX and sensitivityY? Make them go waaay down when you zoom in. Then put them back up again when you zoom out again!

From another C# script:

MouseLook fpLook = Camera.main.GetComponent<MouseLook>();
fpLook.sensitivityX = 0.5f;
fpLook.sensitivityY = 0.5f;