Sniper Zoom!!!

Hello i was just wondering if anybody could tell me this…

i created a sniper i have done the zoom in animation where it goes to your eye but then i dont no how to make it so it blacks out the screen but has the sniper crossair on the hole of the screen… if anybody could help me that would be great

Thanks benjimazza.

I answered a question some time ago about this matter, and showed how to use a second camera to make the scope image. Click here to read the answer.

EDITED: If I understood what you want to do, you should create the image (a big rectangular black texture with a transparent hole and the crosshair in the middle) in Photoshop (or other editor) and draw it with OnGUI.DrawTexture. You should also change the FOV (Field of View) to a small number when in scope mode to zoom the image, then restore it when returning to the normal mode:

var scope:Texture2D; // psd or png image with transparency
var scopeMode:boolean = false; // set this true to turn scope mode on
var zoomFov: float = 10;   // zoomed FOV
var normalFov: float = 60; // normal FOV

private var rect: Rect;

function Start(){
  normalFov = Camera.main.fieldOfView;
  rect.x = (Screen.width - scope.width)/2;
  rect.y = (Screen.height - scope.height)/2;
  rect.width = scope.width;
  rect.height = scope.height;

function OnGUI(){
  if (scopeMode){
    GUI.DrawTexture(rect, scope)
    Camera.main.fieldOfView = zoomFov;
  } else {
    Camera.main.fieldOfView = normalFov;