so how do I get Input.GetKeyDown("A") ?

couldn’t figure out the new system.

for one, I use Actions | Input System | 1.0.2 Button.

Also see Enum InputActionType | Input System | 1.0.2

As I use Actions | Input System | 1.0.2, I set Button on the GO:

Using Push Events, this might be enough. GameObject components for input | Input System | 1.0.2 You don’t need a PlayerInput though, you can simply add event listeners to your MonoBehaviour-based Action, if you went my route: Actions | Input System | 1.0.2

However, I use polling: Actions | Input System | 1.0.2, I converted my Update() GetKeyDown() to

if (iA_rotate.ReadValue<float>() == 1)
                                if (wasNotYetRead) {
                                    wasNotYetRead = false;
                                    // do stuff
                                wasNotYetRead = true;

using a shielding flag.

an Action in the new Input System corresponds to an Axis in the old Input Manager. In that IM, the Axis bound to up to 4 keyboard keys and took input from any Gamepad and mouse simultaneously. In the IS, you can (and must) bind every device key/button/stick you like to get data from explicitly to the Action yourself.

The value range is [0,1] for the most part (key not pressed = 0, key pressed = 1), [-1, 1] for sticks I guess (haven’t verified this).

To emulate sensitivity and gravity of an Axis of the IM, use sth. like this:

accumulatedRollLeft += (rollleft.ReadValue<float>() * 2f - 1f) * Time.deltaTime;
            accumulatedRollLeft = Mathf.Clamp01(accumulatedRollLeft);

This emulates sensitivity and gravity of 1. The arithmetic maps [0,1] to [-1,1], ensuring key not pressed returns the value to 0. Clamping prevents overflow.

How can i implement this, given the fact that i don’t use the classic method of referencing the asset and doing the action.started += ‘callback function’… but instead i use the PlayerInput component’s Events > Player Callbacks, (the ones that take a parameter of type CallbackContext)
here’s the part of script of my concern:

private PlayerMotor Motor;

public void OnMovement_H(InputAction.CallbackContext context) {
        float _direction = context.ReadValue<float>();

The action that triggers the OnMovement_H method’s Action Type is set to Button and it has one 1D Axis Composite

is _direction either 0 or 1 currently?

if yes, replace rollleft in my code by context from yours and store accumulatedRollLeft as a class float initialised as 0.

register delegate, onevents… seems awfully complicated for quick work, how is it in actual production?


Im not at the computer at the moment, but I believe thats the full path. Thats the easy way to quickly setup input without using the Actions or anything.

Can also get to gamepad, etc through similar ways.

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now how do I get the vector2 from this thing?
like that

var input = UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.current.leftStick.x.EvaluateMagnitude();

a mouthful. There is a very good blog on this:


Ahh nice! I didnt know about that. Like your link describes, I typically use ‘ReadValue’:

Using UnityEngine.InputSystem;


var input = Gamepad.current.leftStick.ReadValue();
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EvaluateMagnitude is abs of ReadValue?
what’s the purpose of either?