So many problems already...

And here I thought I was going to be the first to report a problem… Hmmmm…

Anyways, I loaded the Island demo and tore off the Scene view into a separate window all on it’s lonesome…

Guess what I found? The F button no longer focusses on the selected object!!! How awkward is that?

Then i discovered that when I moved my Project and Hierarchy panels next to each other, I would do well to remember which is which…

My bad…

So instead of a complaint, I just wanted to say:
“Awesome, mates. I really appreciate your efforts in this release” :slight_smile:

The game view never supports “F” or any navigation like the scene view does - unless you program that into your game and run the game :wink:

… but I run into that too, every once in a while (btw, you can more or less work around that by having a camera for these things and then using Game Object / Align with View).