Its coming along great. I was wondering what halls thoughts are. I need a HDMI monitor before I can record anything cool but I’ll tell you what its about.
A king granted land.
Random items and monsters and buildings.
Building economy buildings like mines to gather materials.
Progress up economy ladder.
Huge world to wage war on.
Pretty much, you have one player who acts as “The Commander” of their faction, who is the RTS player. They set objectives for the FPS players, and as the FPS players achieve objectives, resources are generated. The Commander can then create structures, or confer upgrades on the FPS players.
This has been done before, but I forget what the game was.
Fine, it doesn’t feel like an RTS on the ground and its a bit more of a survival game when I started, open world all that jazz. Its more like, imagine mine crafts system of gathering each stone? Well instead the player builds stone mines or lumber camps to produce for you. NPCs cutting logs and mining and shit. Its pretty cool now but needs more work. The planning is the hard part. Does a black powder pistol and steam powered carriage sound lame?
Let me try and explain better. My head is foggy. Damn vodka. OK,
Player spawns randomly in world.
Explore and search for items and gather basic materials.
Build first farm or food source generator.
Build houses. These will make villagers. You will need materials you have found or harvested so far in the game. Wood mostly.
Start building camps for materials, to build them you need food, materials and villagers.
Then the fun starts when you can build barracks. The NPC soldiers will defend the area and you can pick then up like items and move them.
This process continues up in complexity until you can build an entire castle. At which point you will become the target of giants or dragons or what have you. Progressively mind you, I have ways of making your village come under attack by mobs as you progress in the game.
I see. Makes sense in my head now. Kind of reminds me of Orcs Must Die, which was a similar concept. Basically a Tower defence game build in 3D in first person. The game play wasn’t that much different from a regular tower defence. You build towers, they kill enemies, you get cash, you build more towers. But it did give an amazing sense of urgency when you were watching a horde of orcs run towards you, rather then towards some abstract crystal on the map you looked down on like a god.
So the idea sounds cool. Unfortunately at the moment you don’t have much more then an idea. I’d suggest getting a prototype up and running quickly, even if it is just with cubes. The idea has a lot of potential, but execution will be the key.
Actually I do have a fully functional prototype. All that’s left is planning out the rest if the crafting and building requirements. I want to buy a few more animated characters also and take my time in the terrain. I would post a video but I’m waiting to get an HDMI monitor. Just got a new video card for a tower I have. Didn’t realize I would need an HDMI monitor. My laptop can’t run fraps or anything and a game build at the same time.
I’m trying to get everything polished before I do a web player demo or video trailer. What is MVP? I havent my own domain yet what would be a good way to host a web player? Never messed with it.
MVP is an acronym for ‘Minimally Viable Product’. The point of a MVP is not to be polished, but to show the gameplay systems, to get feedback on the game. Is something confusing? We can let you know. Is something satisfying, and a generally good idea? We can also let you know. In fact, there’s a great thread series in this very forum that is the perfect place to post such a WIP, where you’re more or less ensured to get helpful feedback.
As far as webplayers go, A good, ‘unhosted’ approach that I’ve seen people use a lot, is to have a public DropBox folder that they put their .unity file and the HTML file that serves it up (and, I would further argue this is one of the correct uses of DropBox in small-scale game development, but I’ll get back on that soapbox another time.)
Interesting, well give me about a week. I’m going to be out of town and I need to finish tweaking the pet system before I show anyone what I have done so far.
You are among friends and developers here. Most of us can see past the lack of polish on a prototype. Five minutes of webplayer game play will give you far more useful feedback then pages of design docs.
Thank you so Much. I’m just worried and idk really know how to do this… I know that someone can download a web player demo and open its core files in unity. It brothers me. Anyone can do what I did but anyone can also copy it before I have the chance to make it truly public. Or am I wrong? Idk?
I, do not have the money this week for A new monitor. When I show this game, I want it to be nice. Way past cubes for demos. I just want it to be nice when I show it to the public. Fuck cubes.
Also I have some other questions. Thank you so far to anyone who had given me input. It is so welcome. Steam cars? Is that cool? I made it medievL but I can do so much more… is that fun? Or neat? I don’t even play games.
What makes those games fun is how they handle progression. Think early game, middle game, late game tech and all of the various ways to approach them.
Maybe mining over time begins to yield better ores as the miners dig deeper. The progression there would be maybe stone, iron, obsidian, diamond, etc etc. Maybe another form of progression would be hide armor & bone tools from hunting animals, and then the bone tools can be used to hunt bigger animals. If you add in NPC trading with other groups, then just about anything your players want to do can be a viable means of both survival and progression
You could go for steam power plants and technology that is powered by air pressure like pneumatics. But I was only able to think of that because of pneumaticcraft, haha. They have steam powered drones with basic programmable functions xD
Pneumatics feels like a believable medieval tech if they can store and transfer the pressurized air. Then your progression in projectile weapons could be something like…
bows that use sticks → bows that use arrows made from bones → bows that use arrows made from metals → flintlock pistols → flintlock rifles → breach loaded rifles → pneumatic rifles that can fire metal bits → pneumatic shotgun that releases large bursts of pressurized air, fatal in close range
If you can make that idea modular somehow, people could make air pressure powered sniper rifles lol.
Very good points thank you. I already have a way of making the player HAVE to build better mines for better ores. I also liked the idea of a hot air balloon early on.(Or steam) I haven’t tried it yet though. The car so far is fun, you need wood, spokes or wheels, one of those benches you seen in church to sit on. A furnace, water, two lanturns (headlights lol) some metal poles and gears. Right now the car is some shit pro builder thing I made with some wood texture. It functions but its ugly. One more thing on my huge frickin list.
You can’t get poles or gears until you can have an engineers guild. So its a harder to get too item. The car that is.
Oh one last thing I have a barracks that cranks out skeletons. . I was gonna make it a necromancer guild. Player will need to hunt the world for demonic trinkets in the crafting components to build it.
I’m significantly more interested in playing this game at some point. Maybe you could make it a general purpose bestiary and different ingredients make it produce different mobs?
A familiar mechanic that isn’t too burdensome so long as the earlier tiers are still fun to get & use
Worried someone will steal your idea? With hundreds of new games everyday, The truth is that nobody cares about your game idea. Instead of protecting your baby, consider focusing on becoming a better designer and building a better game. And for that, you need feedback.
The Feedback Friday threads start new EVERY friday (they’re stickied in the Game Design forum). Treat them as the mini-deadlines that they are.
How to deploy? I sometimes use web deployments on my web server, and sometimes, I actually release it to Android. Everyone does it different, though a PLAYABLE GAME TRUMPS ALL.
“Will they like it?” This is the wrong question. This is the wrong business for people with fragile egos. In truth, your game probably sucks - even Jenova Chen, Will Wright, and Jonathan Blow iterate through HUNDREDS of crappy ideas. It’s part of the process and it’s REALLY hard to get good feedback. Friends will tell you, ‘It’s okay’, and family will go, ‘Oh, that’s neat’, and real players won’t say anything because they don’t even download it. Here, in the design forum, you might at least get some constructive feedback that helps you 1) improve your game and 2) become a better designer. It’s the safest community you’re likely to find.