I talk about this since so many years …
They push new version without testing and with so much regressions …
Few exemples :
WebGL Spatial audio (3d) not working (fixed 6 months after):
WebGL Spatial audio was not available in a “stable” release ! GG boy ! So fun to play an fps game like that !
Crunch compression not working on Lightmap file (2020.3.31f1)(fixed 6 months after):
Webgl conflict between the old and new indexedDB code (will be fixed in 2024?):
and many more…
We do not have any real “stable” version anymore and have to deal with broken new implementations and/or too much regressions.
Yeah some of you will say make backup, test when you upgrade, nobody force you to upgrade ect ect …
So when we upgrade then ? They create 5 new bug when they fix two, so what we do now?
Anyway most of you know the story already.