Would it be possible, using Application commands to add “LIKE” or “PIN IT” buttons into unity as GUI?
Has anybody attempted this before?
What I mean is adding a like button to an object selected in the unity webplayer or mobile app.
Check out our project to have maybe a better understanding of what I mean, plucity.com
Costs 65 dollars there. Basically, what I can see it doing is sending.
Further, you have Quickstart - Facebook SDK for JavaScript - Documentation - Meta for Developers
which as you can see, uses an HTML page. So you can either have a button that opens a page that has the like button on it, or you can figure a way to actually go around that and have it send a request to like from a page visit, if the user is logged in… Which may happen from some link such as: Facebook, but not positive on that, never tried.
You can increase your social interaction by creating a Facebook account or any other social account. So even you can promote your business activities or ideas over it and gain huge likes. For more likes you can visit buy facebook likes.