Social when no image is set by the user

I access GameCenter through unity’s Social API.
Everything is working except one thing, the image of the user.
When a user has not set an image in game center there is an error in xCode, but in unity the image of the user is not null it is a font atlas that is in my game.

Is there a way to change the image unity uses when no image is set by the user? Or is there a way to catch the error that iOS gives you? Or is there any way possible to know that a user has not set a profile picture?

I cannot check if the size is not correct (my atlas is more then 76x76) because unity scales it to 76x76 to use it.

Because the font atlas is not really what I want to show my users…

Can anyone explain WHY unity takes that image? It does not make any sense at all!

Any luck solving this? Having the same problem. Happens whether the user has a Game Center profile or not.