i was trying to get consulo to unity but when i try to run the code is saying this error pls help,i was trying to get consulo to work but when i try to run the scrpist in unity it is saying this error
i dont know how to fix it pls help
For Windows
You need restart cache in Consulo: File/Invalidate Caches / Restart
You can fix this by modifying the below values.
One of the ways is to increase the dynamic port range. The max by default is 5000. You can set this up to 65534. HKLM/SystemCurrent/ControlSetServices/Tcpip/Parameters/MaxUserPort is the key to use.
The second thing you can do is, once the connection does get into an TIME_WAIT state, you can reduce the time it is in that state. Default is 4 minutes, but you can set this to 30 seconds. HKLM/SystemCurrent/ControlSetServices/Tcpip/Parameters/TCPTimedWaitDelay is the key to use.
or disable consulo plugin in Unity
!!! and after restart workstation/pc