soft bodies

hi, i would like to know the current state of the art about soft bodies in unity. thanks

There isn’t anything that I’ve seen that can do that as a ready package that you just slap on your new project, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.
It means you need to code it yourself. Not an easy task I imagine, but possible.

Unity has the option to edit a mesh and it’s vertices procedurally. There are examples of this here:

Check out especially the mesh examples.

A while back I posted some softbody code at: some demo webplayers are available at: I know that there are some more people who made SoftBody projects using unity in some unique and interesting ways mentioned in other posts on the forum. Please share on the forum if you find any interesting ways of using the code or can share what you do.

Hello unfortunately all those demos do not work with the webplayer. It shwos only a empty background…

Do you know why?
