Soft bodies?

Hey, all,

I saw in the sales blurb for unity 3 that softbody physics were now supported, but can’t find any documentation about it - so how do you make/use them?



Whether that works on iOS, I don’t know…the docs don’t seem to say that they don’t, but that sort of thing is not exactly cheap, so I don’t know if I’d even want to try…


Ah, OK - no, cloth is not supported on iOS. The description in the sales blurb mentioned a “soft beachball”, which would suggest to me that it wasn’t the cloth component, so if that’s not the case, it’s a no. :frowning:

I’m looking for it too.
Where is it?

The cloth component can be applied to a closed mesh as well as a flat sheet. In such cases, the pressure property allows the cloth object to behave as if it were inflated with air. By varying this and the other properties, you can create a soft object that will react to collisions.

I tried to add different components with cloth but my objects are not affected.
It is not clear what components must be added to an entity to have, in example, a beach ball. Not clear if a rigidbody collider must be used (the interactive cloth is not actually colliding and the use gravity is not affecting my object).

I also tried to simply add a sphere, and a interactive cloth to it: no effect.
If I add a rigidbody everything works… as a rigidbody.
It would be nice that adding interactive cloth to a mesh it would work.

An example object would also be useful.

OK finally managed with it.
For anybody with the same questions: your objects must only have the following components:



About this, varying the pressure factor is not what the majority of people want, I think.

I have a simple mesh somewhat conical and with pressure at 1 it’s totally fluffy, if I raise it to 3 it becomes decent but it gets spherized… not to mention if I try even bigger values: the mesh becomes a ball practically. And still fluffy.

I tried to use BENDING STIFFNESS and STRETCHING STIFFNESS set to 1 but they look like not working.

I don’t know how mathematically you solve the equation about pressure but I think it should be that at 0 it’s totally fluffy and empty, while at 1 it’s totally full so it wouldn’t change its form in any circumstances.
Higher values may still deform the original mesh.

Well I know it’s named CLOTH stuff but still: you have 99% of the work ready, so why not change it to a fully functional soft body feature?

At the moment it’s REALLY only usable for cloth stuff, too much soft bodies :smile: so maybe you shouldn’t claim to have soft bodies working yet in your ads because in example I can’t make an inflatable duck half inflated, it gets totally deformed.

By the way, I didn’t notice this thread is in the iOS section… guess not many are interested in soft bodies on mobiles yet.

I’ll post these requests in the right forum.

I am interested. But people are saying its unsupported…

Ye well I talk in a general way, not for specifically for iOS.
I also think that it’s early, for handheld computational power, to implement this feature.
It would have a very limited use I think.

I am interested too and think it should be activated in future versions of unity ios at least the pro version.
I know it has to used limited but the iPad2 and future products with optimized grafik and multicores should at least let me use one of these objects i.e. as a player objects like a wobbling ball or so.

the 3gs should handle 1 fine, I’ve done similar stuff on the 3g, so I’m not sure what the barrier actually is. Its quite cheap for example on a 32 poly object.

If you would use it right, yeah it could run on mobiles.
But lets face it, people would expect to be able to port games and have it working and for that even kal-el would be very heavily hit as physx has no mobile hw accelerated build at all (Unity4 definitely has to switch to bullet if nvidia remains as bitchy)