I’m looking for a 2d animation software that works well with unity. I’m looking for something light weight, focused in animation and easy to learn without learning the rest the softwares functions.
Have a look at Spriter. It has a very capable Free version
Base on what on i saw on spriter tutorials. You manipulate the imges to animate it, its kinda hard and im not used to it. I find this one easier to animate with bones Spine. Since im a 3d character animator.
Now i want to know, which is mostly used 2d sprite or bone animations?
And are there any cheaper alternative to spine?
Do you mean that you saw Spriter as a software which just rotates and transforms images? If so, this is not true. It has Bones support:
I’ve actually not heard of Spine before, as I’m quite new to 2D games as well, coming from a more 3D oriented background.
There are also ways to do it inside of Unity, this being one of them:
I see, so I can combine sprite and bone animation. Thanks for correcting me on that, now i know. I’m gona try this one. Its cheaper too, i might buy it if i like it.
I like Spine for its smooth UI though i just installed it yesterday, but the price is a bit too much. thats why im looking for other alternatives
Any other 2d softwares you think i should try?
BTW does 2d animation softwares also have IK?
Yes, it appears Spriter has some basic IK features. Have a look at this list of features:
You don’t even need to buy it if you don’t need it. The free version is a fully featured license that allows you to use it for commercial projects. You can export animations PNG which is the most common file format for sprite based animations. (But you should pack them up into a packed sprite atlas using texture packer: http://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker)
Edit: Also just found this on Google, don’t know anything about it but it is open source so it is free, so it might be worth a look? http://dragonbones.github.io/index.html. It appears to be targeted for Flash, but as long as it can export as image files, you can import them into Unity
Thanks arvzg. Im thinking of using it commercially and additional portfolio skill/material. Its good that i can use the free version for commercial but the features might not be enough. Well, time and experience will tell if i need to buy it for premium features. Right now ill just play with the free version.
I dont like flash though, theres something in it that makes we wanna avoid it.
Has anyone used Synfig with Unity for 2D games? I’m comfortable with Synfig and trying to find out if there is a way to make it work with Unity.
This is the first I’ve ever heard of ‘Synfig’, but if it is able to export animation as .png (or other standard image format) frame-by-frame then there wouldn’t be a problem
I used Smith Micro’s Anime Studio on a project, and the artist really liked working with it. You can try it for free.
Do you think you need the pro edition?
We ended up using Pro for the convenience of the extra features, but we started with Debut and it worked fine. Here’s the comparison chart.
I have CrazyTalk Animator 2 pipline version (the win Version with iClone and 3Dxchange)
The special feature of this animation program, it can transfer 3D Mocap Motion to 2D sprites.
Here is a Example with a free motion from Mixamo…
Spriter looks really great… the only thing is that I can’t seem to find good training courses, books or a master tutorial list. Can someone point me in the right direction? Willing to pay for too I just couldn’t find anything.
you can try these 2d animation freeware, URL: 5 Best Free 2D Animation Software For Windows
Directly inside Unity.
Just for your information, animating bones or sprites in a hierarchy are the same thing.
Sprites will have a pivot which is related to another pivot, and this is basically what a bone is. ( Skin is another story )
I’d use puppet2D also, i have spriter and all, but the unity integration is not officially supported and quite crappy. The thing is after a while you realize that either its inside unity or its a bad idea considering all the hassle you’ll go throw.
So if you want bone animation use puppet2d.
If you use frame animation there are lots of options, and toolkits that can help you with that. Even Gimp does frame animation.
You can use pencil or tupi. Both are available for all platfrom such as windows, linux and mac os and the most important thing they are lite and easy to use. You can check more at below site.
- Toon Boom Studio
Animation has come a long way since you drew your first stick figure flipbook in math class, and with 2D animation software, it’s finally possible …
- Anime Studio
Whether you caught the animation bug when you saw Bug Bunny ask, “What’s up, Doc?” or heard the South park kids yell "They killed …
- Regards: Computer Tricks @Purushottam Thakur
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