I didn’t really know the appropriate place to put this question, but I wanted to see it there was a way in Unity3d to shade objects that were sculpted as clouds or a cloud scape. I was looking for a technique similar to the cloud shading in Mario Galaxy 2
and/or Skyworld in Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I was wondering how I cloud do this (and if to) if anyone could write one or link me to something similar. I have NO experience in programming shaders, but I do have experience in 3D modeling/rendering
Most of the game takes place in clouds, so a ton of particle clouds isn’t feasible, I’m modeling the clouds in blender using metaballs and sculpting them once converted into a mesh.
Ah, okay. I was having trouble making my clouds not look like ice or whatever. I was using the VertexLit, but i wanted to see if there was another way to do it, but I’ll have to find out how to do the rim light thing.