Solo dev: local backup + version control

I’m a solo developer and currently use a Synology Drive to back up my projects locally and automatically. It’s worked well so far and I’m happy using it for my personal projects.

However, I now have a commercial application in the wild that I’m going to need to maintain and iterate on and support long term. Even though it is just me, I wonder if Plastic SCM would be a good idea as an additional non local backup and to make the job of long term updates more structured and manageable for myself.

Can restoring files or the entire project with one or the other cause issues? Is anything likely to break or am I worrying needlessly and it should all just work without issue?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated :slight_smile:

I’m not very knowledgeable on Synology Drive, but I am guessing it is similar to Dropbox.

Using both should not be a problem as long as it doesn’t restrict read/writes on files. However, using both would be unnecessary in my opinion. Plastic SCM would be the better of the two options for something you have to support long-term as it is designed as a source control system and would feature branching, changeset history, merging, CICD options, etc.

Hope this helps!

Hi Ollieblanks,

Yes, thank you, that does help! Apologies, Synology is a NAS backup solution. I’ve been stung in the past by backups not quite getting me out of trouble; so I run more than one backup solution…
I’ve read Unity’s e-book on version control, and Plastic SCM seems to tick a lot of boxes… I’ll do a little more research on best practices and give it a go.
I appreciate your response
