Been working on a Survival game for the past week or so. Building it up from Scratch.
I’ve got pretty decent Door and Window functionality in. →
-Opening closing doors and windows.
-Climbing through windows
-Locking and Deadbolting Doors(and windows, Deadbolt should be disabled for windows)
-Breaking and Picking Locks
-Repairing Broking Openable Items(Doors and Windows)
-Gun wobble and Aiming down sights
I have the basics for an Inventory. I plan on doing a weight inventory and item limit based on bags you obtain, Different quality of bags. So maybe you can carry 250lb’s but you only have 20 item limit you can carry the limit of either.
I have all the survival stats in as well as the UniStorms weather system( as you can see in the Video) I enhanced the editor however and made some custom tweaks. I plan to do something with Body Temp, Hungry, Thirst, Body Health. Hoping to include weather to have effects on the player which will acquire them to adapt gear and conditions they are in to Survive.
Also set up a very generic system so far → Consumable, Consumable_Producers, Producers. So basically the idea is to have components(Producers) around the world such as wood, gas, food, (Other just useables Nails, etc). From these you can have a Consumable_Producer such as Heat or Electricity(with generator). Which could Feed another Consumer_Producer like a heater.
Yeah so that’s about all I have thought about so far and programmed generically… Few thousand lines so far…
Added some visual Survival Aspects. I basically went through the Nourishment and Hydration I wanted to add in. Since i’m using UniStorm I wanted to tie that into to this system as well. Since your body requires more consumption as it gets colder. So I added some simple equations to handle temperature. I also update the consumption every minute that passes. In the video a minute 0.2 seconds ( for testing )…
Added the ability to pick up “Items” and they are stored in the players Inventory as I show in the video. I never got around to making them visually display as of yet. Since I was playing around with NGUI quite a bit. I was thinking of using the Scrollable Panels to display the Contents of the players Inventory. However I did have another more interesting, however might be anyoning.:
Alternative Idea: Backpacks you attain have pouches. Each pouch can contain a weight limit and or number of items. While in Inventory View the bag you have will be displayed in 3d and you can rotate it and access the pouches that contain the different items that you stored…
This alternative could be interesting however adds more complexity to playing. Looking for items as well as placing items in correct locations and such.
Feed back on this would be great.
Added some “scrolling” notifications.
Started Storage Functionality… nothing but getting it to recognize the player so far.
-Added in Buildables. My assets are limited to packages I acquired over the years. So I’m using a wall that happened to have multiple pieces to represent the different levels of construction that can happen on a buildable. As you can see in the video it has rotation( Using Q and E). It currently has no Detection on what it can place on so I need to add that in still.
I reduced the build times for testing and the video so it wouldn’t take 40 seconds to go through one wall.
Pretty cool ideas and execution. I will follow it for sure.
And i have to ask. Will you give the player the option to drink his own piss? Honestly, that is the only survival tip i always remember from Bear Grylls episodes. Besides rolling in the snow naked like you just don’t care of course.
Well I’ll be damned, this is something worth looking at I’m loving the progress mate, keep it up! And keep me posted How many of you are working on the project? Or is it solo?
@Yuja : Not really sure. I really just wanted to make this functionality for awhile. Really just doing it to pass time and I enjoy the challenge of thinking something I want and then creating it. If I add things to kill it will be later since AI is something I’ve done before so its not really new and as challenging as these other things.
Very cool Ereous, funny actually I’m heading in exactly this direction myself - also a developer by trade. Just farming out the modelling/animation work right now and focusing more on 3rd person instead of 1st, shooting for an APB style controller and a STALKER meets Killing Floor experience. Interested to see how you progress, will hopefully have some third person control progress to show soon.
I like the buliding system,is this going to be a zombie game or something? A lot of the survival games have zombies,when people make them!
Anyways i wish you best of luck!
Thanks, yeah not too sure on the type as of yet. Just making a package of fundamentals I want in a game.
Recently been seeing decent amount of parkour and last night I tried my hand at it. I got two basics down so far. Climbing and the arm jump. I wanted the system to be fairly dynamic instead of adding tons of triggers and events. So I used some odd techniques with raycasting and sphere casting. Probably will assocaited it to only trigger when you are pressing a key so you don’t always try to climb things.
Been working on invisible stuff lately, functionality that isn’t really ready to be displayed yet.
But I messed around with a fairly Dynamic Parkour System. Ray-cast’s objects that are marked as “Obstical” and finds the total height of the object and decided what things can happen, Since I don’t want it to trigger constantly maybe you just want to walk up to a wall and not climb for instance… I made it so you have to hold a key down.
The two different ones I have is the Arm Jump and Climbing. Which I just statically chose a height of 1 above the character as a max height for arm jumping and 3 as a max height for climbing. I think it is a decent start with that at least.
Just pondering where the line is between simplicity, and immersion. How many blanks can our imagination fill in, where does the world need to be more detailed to increase immersion? I feel our imagination has no problem imagining a ladder being climbed when there are no hands being placed on the rungs, nor does it have a problem imagining that a gun has been picked up, when you simply click on the weapon and it appears in your inventory.
Locking a door is the push of a button, building a wall is it floating in the air and then appearing in the world, but climbing needs to be animated instead of the jump button?
I’m not being critical, this looks amazing… i’m just really interested in this area between imagination and polish - where it is better for the player to use their imagination, what is the best use of developer time to increase immersion in the world?
Its not the case of simplicity. Its the case that I am in no way a modeler or animator. I’ve tried my hand at modeling and animating. Its interesting but it takes me 10 times longer then others.
I am however a decent programmer its also what I enjoy doing, I enjoy it so much that even after I work for 8 hours as a software developer I can come home and put a few hours into my project each day. So I feel my time is well enough spent.