[Solve] Debuging/Expand Network Lobby hangon at 7connection

I would expand Network Lobby for my Live Memeberstatus Online, Busy, …
But the Network Lobby Asset from Unity Technologies in the asset store have some bugs or not ready


At the 7 time connection to the lobby the server is crashing every time (no reaction and 100% CPU load). I take the default Networt Lobby (Network Meteroid) without changes (I think it was on my project the error and I try the default asset from the store there are the same error) on 7 connection to the lobby same connection one player or different players some of them go in and go out on 7 connection the server hang on.

On server side I get this error messages:

On the client side they have this one attention information:

I try:

  • to set on the Lobby Manager: Max Players at 100
  • to set on the Lobby Manager: Maximum Match Size at 100
  • to set on the Lobby Manager: Advanced Configuration Max Connection at 100

What I have to change or what I must do that it work without crashing? Any ideas?

Best regards

i found the problem.
in the LobbyPlayer Script there is a function for set playercolor and the colors are in the Color[ ] there are set only 6 colors. And on new SetupPlayer they add the free color to the player and set at alreadyInUse and if all colors are used the go in to the endless loop

   alreadyInUse = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < _colorInUse.Count; ++i)
      if (_colorInUse[i] == idx)
      {//that color is already in use
         alreadyInUse = true;
         idx = (idx + 1) % Colors.Length;
while (alreadyInUse);

here is the problem change the funktion or dont use it.