Hi there,
In-App functionality is tied with Analytics and then both are tied with a single Unity Project ID. Now my question is what if i upload multiple android apks with different bundle ids and names. What would happen then? Will In-Apps and Analytics still work? How will Unity Dashboard differentate between multiple “published” builds with different bundle ids etc?
That is correct, the Analytics dashboard (and IAP reporting) is tied to the project ID. As long as you keep the same project ID, you can change the project name or bundle ID and data will still go to the same dashboard. Analytics and IAP should function correctly.
We do track differences in the bundle ID, so it is possible to create a custom segment that looks at a particular bundle ID.
Thank you for your response,
I cant tell you how important this is for me and really happy that Unity automatically solves it.
So just to reassure,
I can have 100s of different applications on app store both iOs and Android using single project tied to single unity project in services tab without any problems and it will have no issues with analytics and in-apps.
Please confirm 
Just to clarify, the bundleid is sent in one of our analytics events, but we don’t create the segments automatically. You would have to manually configure all of the custom segments for every bundle id in order to keep the data straight.
There are still project-level data processing limits to be conscious of. I would imagine with hundreds of apps in the same project, it might reach that level much quicker.
Will it effect In-Apps too?
I can ignore analytics as long as In-Apps work fine with 100s of applications?
If i am not wrong then Analytics will only show most recent data or dont record data at all after reaching the limit, but it will not interfere with in-apps and in-apps will work as expected.
Am i right?
The Purchasing itself will not be affected at all, only the reporting on the dashboard.
It doesn’t show the most recent data it shows the most frequently sent events, but you are correct that it will not stop collecting data, it will just only display the top events.
Awesome work guys,
This solves a great problem 
Thanks for your support.
Another quesiton related to this. I create 100 unity projects on dashboard and get their Ads Ids.
Then create 100 bundle ids from 1 project where each bundle id also use Unity Ad id based on 1 bundle id. Would this strategy work?
I mean even though project is itself linked to 1 project, but 100 exported apks with 100 different bundle ids use 100 seperate unity ads ids will work fine?
@jGate99 ,
I should have mentioned this disclaimer sooner, but this is not really the intended way this system should work, so I can’t guarantee it will work as expected.
I think this part would be a bit trickier. The Ads ID will be tied to a separate project ID. And you can no longer set the Ads id in the Services window. So I don’t know that you would be able to get all the Ads data into a single Analytics dashboard for multiple apps.
If you don’t mind me asking, what is your end goal with this setup? What problem are you trying to solve?
Well, We are actually developing apps that share same code but show different data based on topic. So what we do is use one project. We have written a custom build script that set bundle id, move data to resources for that bundle id, set app name, set app icon and then compile and move to next app. This way we can supply both ad ids manually, and other custom stuff BUT using the same project.
This solves the hassle of keeping seperate versions of the app even though only thing change is “data in resouces folder”.