Edit: I have solved the issue, he fix is in the next post
I have a state machine that activate and deactivate action maps,
when I press the key for the “ShipUI” or “Cancel” actions(lines 33,34 in ShipUIState) the input action is being called the number of times the state/action map has been activated and deactivated.
to be more clear, if i open and close the ship ui in my game 4 times, the input action will be called 4 times in that point in time and it will call the CloseUI() method 4 times in the same frame, this causes some undesired behavior in other parts of the code.
Am I doing something wrong when activating and deactivating the action maps in the states Enter() method?
or this is a bug?
does anyone has any idea of how to fix this or a workaround for this?
Ship UI State
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace TheTravler
public class ShipUIState : IState
public string StateName => "ShipUI";
public Enums.GameState GameState => Enums.GameState.ShipUI;
GameManager _owner;
bool SlotActionsActive;
public ShipUIState(GameManager owner)
_owner = owner;
public void Enter()
Debug.Log("Ship UI State");
Cursor.visible = true;
Time.timeScale = 0f;
_owner.InputActions.UI.ShipUI.performed += ctx => CloseUI();
_owner.InputActions.UI.Cancel.performed += ctx => CloseUI();
GameEvents.Instance.OnGeneralSlotUIClickedCallback += SetSlotActionActive;
GameEvents.Instance.OnCloseSlotActionsUICallback += SetSlotActionUnActive;
public void ExecuteState()
public void Exit()
Time.timeScale = 1f;
private void CloseUI()
Debug.Log("Close UI");
if (SlotActionsActive)
private void SetSlotActionActive(Item item)
Debug.Log("Slot Actions Active");
SlotActionsActive = true;
private void SetSlotActionUnActive()
Debug.Log("Slot Actions Not Active");
SlotActionsActive = false;
Flight State (the state that starts after ship ui state has exit)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace TheTravler
public class FlightState : IState
public virtual string StateName => "FlightMode";
public virtual Enums.GameState GameState => Enums.GameState.FlightState;
GameManager _owner;
public FlightState(GameManager owner)
_owner = owner;
public virtual void Enter()
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
Debug.Log("Space Flight State");
public virtual void ExecuteState()
public virtual void Exit()
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;