[SOLVED] Assigning textures to multi materials with script

I have a single object created with sub materials in Max. It imported fine with texture names intact. It’s a book, so the names are “binding,” “front cover,” etc, but I’m not sure if that matters or if each one has a number hidden somewhere.

How do I assign materials to these sub (multi) materials with scripting? One idea I saw on the forums was this:

	var themats = renderer.material;
	themats[i] = newTex;
	renderer.materials = themats;

But that’s not compiling.
Any ideas?


Here’s a screenshot of the inspector window. Now I see where each material has a number ID, but I still don’t know what to dooooooo…

You need to add an “s” on the end of your first line of code.


After groaning for five minutes at the simplicity of your response, I wrote this to try it out:

public var newTex : Texture ; 

function Awake(){
   var themats = renderer.materials;
   var i = 1;
   themats[i] = newTex;
   renderer.materials = themats;

Wanting to just plug a texture in there in the inspector (before trying to figure out how to load it with the script… one step at a time here…) BUT it gave me this error:

Assets/Scripts/Books/BookOneScript.js(9,17): BCE0022: Cannot convert ‘UnityEngine.Texture’ to ‘UnityEngine.Material’.

referring to the line "themats = newTex;"
Of course I don’t know the subtlety here. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, Eric, you’re always so helpful and I know you’re busy. But while you’re here, if you could phrase your answer by giving me the texture version of the function
var myObject = GameObject.Find(“object”);
var newTex = Texture.Find(“texture”);
With my undying love and devotion,

That means you’re trying to assign a texture as a material, but you can only assign a texture to the texture property of a material.

themats[i].mainTexture = newTex;



Thanks again for all your help, Eric!