is there a sample or a template for a board game (e.g. ludo)?
What would be a suitable way to start to develop such a game in Unity?
I started with a plane and added thin cylinders as positions where the pawns have to be …
How is the sequence of the positions preserved? (Or how can be determined which position is the next one for the pawn?)
A littlebit lost :x
The easiest and cleaner way to start making a game board for your game is to build a tiled board. You could simple use cubes to make tiles and texture them, but while I was making my board game, I drew a few geometric shapes (like triangles or hexagons) in Illustrator, had them imported to Maya and extrude them with some nice bevel settings. That really gave a nice tiled-cut out look for my board.
In order to facilitate moving of the pawns, this is what I did: I added colliders to these tiles. and then created empty game objects on each of these tiles. Check the Is-Trigger option to ON, and write a script for the pawn to store the current tile location based on which tile was triggered. To move the pawn, you could simple lerp/slerp its position/rotation based on an ‘on-click’ event.
If this sounds abstract to you, ask me specific question. I might be able to help you better.