tl;dr: Is there any way to disable sprites being imported with mip maps enabled by default?
Hello! Here at my job, we rapidly prototype and iterate on games, and all of our projects are very UI-heavy, so naturally there are a lot of 2D sprite textures. We literally swap out assets several times a day, and we are building our games to work on 1 specific device, so we know the exact pixel resolution everything must be displayed in.
The problem is that sprites are imported with mip maps enabled by default, and it’s not uncommon for us to forget to disable mip maps. The worst part about that is we usually don’t notice when our sprites are being rendered in lower quality than they should. It only becomes noticeable when a UI element animates it’s scale and we see it pop between mip levels.
Is there any way to disable sprites being imported with mip maps enabled by default?