Errors include:
Assets\Xbox Live\Scripts\UnityTaskExtensions.cs(13,61): error CS0433: The type 'Task' exists in both 'Unity.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' and 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
I’ve seen many others with this issue but can’t seems to find a solution.
Current setup:
Window 10 Pro 1803
VS Community 2017 15.9.4
UWP Development
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
VS Tools for Unity
Nuget Package Manager
NuGet targets and build tasks
XboxLive 1804 QFE2 package installed
Scripting Runtime version: .NET 4.x Equivalent
Scripting Backend: IL2CPP
API Compatibility Level: .NET 4.x
I don’t have Xbox Live Platform Extensions installed. Now sure if I need these. Also, there isn’t a 10.0.17763 version.
What am I missing?