[SOLVED] Can't maintain listing on matchmaking server

The matchmaking service appears to work, initially, upon creating a new match. However, within a minute or so, the listing no longer appears when calling listMatches. I also checked the dashboard and I can see the CCUs drop to zero. Since this all deals with code I cannot see, any suggestions on what might be causing this? Thanks.

Good news, no bugs here. In the match “matchMaker.CreateMatch” call, I added a custom callback function “OnInternetMatchCreate”. The default parameter for the callback is “null”, so I assumed it was an optional callback. However, the “OnMatchCreate” function must be called. Since I used a different name for the callback, it didn’t throw a warning for failing to override the base class function. It appears to be essential to call the base class OnMatchCreate function in order for the match maker to continue to function properly.

SOLVED by adding “base.OnMatchCreate(success, extendedInfo, matchInfoNew);” to custom create match callback. Note, I renamed local parameter to “matchInfoNew” since “matchInfo” is a member variable name.