[Solved] Can't see built-in profiler in Logcat

Hi community,

according to the documentation (Unity - Manual: Measuring performance with the built-in profiler) “Unity iOS and Android contain a built in profiler. This is included in all versions of the add-ons, and is not a Pro feature. (Pro add-ons do contain a more advanced profiler, however.)

So I made a development build, started the ADB server and filtered the massages with the command $ adb logcat -s Unity: I can see lot of useful messages, including my Debug.Log calls, but I can’t figure out how to show the render information about draw-calls, tris, verts and so on as described in the documentation previously linked… Am I missing some information or have I overlooked some player preference?

Ok, maybe I was blind yesterday, I don’t know, but today I saw the option “Enable internal profiler” among the Optimization settings in the Android player… Now I see all the internal profiler information in logcat output.

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Thanks, that’s really helpful!

On 5.2.2p2, I have enableInternalProfiler flagged, as well as the Development build flag. I do not see the built-in profiles in the logcat

I’ve met the situation where some android dev just dont log anything. try another dev