[SOLVED][ClientRpc] how it's work on non-player object?

Hello someone could I explain in detail how the [ ClientRpc ] , I have read the page on , but I still do not fully understand. With this code 'm down trying to register an object that has just become active and passes it to all client’s. In my attempt’s the server side does not have errors when activating the object but on the client side keeps popping up an error does not access the netID .

Setup: The object with this script has a child (the _newObject) disabled on online scene.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class MainSystem : NetworkBehaviour {
    #region Starter
    public GameObject _newObject;
    bool OneTime = false;

    void RpcRegister(GameObject obj)
        ClientScene.RegisterPrefab (obj);
    void Update ()
        if (!isServer)
              NetworkServer.Spawn (_newObject);
              OneTime = true;

Gameobjects can not be passed around using an RPC due to the way UNet works. Instead you can send a text description or int ID to your clients using an RPC and have the client load the correct GameObject from there (for example from your Resources folder).
See link for someone with a similar situation.
Also note that any NetworkIdentity must reside on the parent GameObject for it to be able to communicate across the network.

Hope this helps.

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@bazzer thanks for the awsner i manage to get how it works!

can you share the working code?

@pKallv sorry for the late answer.

Sharing a tip when using Unity Networking (UNET) – Thompson Lee – Software Engineer / Gamer this site help`s me to understand a bunch of things from server and client,

plus here is a script for non player object . Sync & Interacting with player.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleScript : NetworkBehaviour {

    #region Declaration
    private int Health;
    private float Damage;

    public NetworkIdentity ExampleIdentify; // this one that i mention on down topic.

    public Vector3 Position;
    public Quaternion Rotation;


    public override void OnStartServer()
        Health = 100; // here put your life as your wish;
        Damage = 25;  // same as top line.
        ExampleIdentify = this.gameObject.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>(); // it will identify as uniq on network and will be easy to look up to it.

    public void FixedUpdate()
        if (!isServer) //Only server will acess at this point to down;

        Position = transform.position; // this will sync Position across all clients at runtime your gameObject that has this script attach;
        Rotation = transform.rotation; // this will sync Rotation across all clients at runtime your gameObject that has this script attach;

        // Here you put everthing that your non-playerObject want to do atack, life , stats ...

        // Here is just a sample not automatic for Server Pass Info to player.
        * if(Condition)
            NetworkIdentity Player = (NetworkIdentity)GameObject.Find ("Player").GetComponent <NetworkIdentity> ();
            GiveDamage (Damage,Player);

    //Receiving damage from Player its simply, create a path to this script call this function and apply Damage to its health;
    public int TakeDamage(int DamageReceive)
        Health -= DamageReceive; 

        return Health; // return life now;

    //Here becomes a little complex but not to worry, mine preference is to send via NetworkIdentity, because works for me, but the correctly way is by NetWorkConnection.
    public float GiveDamage(float DamageSend,NetworkIdentity Identify)
        //And if you think "how i know this NetworkIdentify", in each script that you put on enemy or player i recommend
        //you create a variable to hold your Identify like this one; this function ReceiveDamage just there by example , create this on <ScriptOnThisIdentifyObject>.

        /*GameObject PlayerX = Identify.gameObject.GetComponent <ScriptOnThisIdentifyObject> ().ReceiveDamage (DamageSend);*/

        return Damage; // just to see the result.

Thanks @Rafael_SGP

i have something similar that I use, dunno where i found it:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class MP_explanations : NetworkBehaviour {

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {

        if (isServer) {
            //It's the server

        if (isClient) {
            //It's a client

        if (isLocalPlayer) {
            //is the actual player


    [Client] void ClientFunction() {
        print("I am the client");

    [Command] void CmdRunOnServer() {
        print("The client called me to run on the server.");

    [Server] void ServerFunction() {
        print("I am the server, I handle the important decisions.");

    [ClientRpc] void RpcRunOnClient() {
        print("The server called me to run on the client");